FLETA – 持続可能なDAppエコシステムのためのプラットフォーム


FLETAは新しいシステムを作成するだけで合格します。かなりの技術開発だけでなく、ソフトウェアに関連するさまざまな分野を対象としています。実際に「分散」を実現し、DAppに関連する実際の独立性とスケーラビリティを向上させることによってブロックチェーン環境の実際の開発をもたらすために、FLETAブロックチェーンシステムを作成することができます。 FLETAは、比類のないタイプのブロックチェーンであるため、プロバイダの構築と提供においてより多くの独立性と有効性をもたらします。



FLETAタスクは、ブロックチェーンにAndroid OSやApple社のiOSなどのシステムを提供するように設計されており、ブロックチェーンに依存するアプリケーション環境の作成、および一定のテクノロジに関連したDAppsに関連する実際の効果的な改善および手順に役立ちます。具体的には、建物内の問題を解決し、EthereumまたはEOSを介してDAppを機能させ、DAppの独立性とスケーラビリティによって理想的な分散型経済情勢を提供します。





FLETAは、現在のシステムのすべての困難と弱点を克服し、継続的に方法を改善し、会社のさまざまなバージョンに関連する実際の思考会議を通じて長期的な開発を改善するための努力をすることができます。ブロックチェーンテクノロジがどのように発生するかを予測するのは困難ですが、それが開発の非常に良い波であることは間違いありません。 FLETAはその波のために重要な役割を果たすことを望んでいます。 FLETAブロックチェーンの開発を手伝ってください。

















ウェブサイト| http://www.fleta.io/
中| https://medium.com/fleta-first-chain
Twitter | https://twitter.com/@fletachain
電報| https://t.me/FLETAofficialGroup


FLETA – Platform untuk Ekosistem DApp Berkelanjutan


Platform untuk Ekosistem DApp Berkelanjutan

Agar platform blockchain dapat bertahan dan dioperasikan sedemikian rupa, pengembang harus dapat mengembangkan DApps
Platform Blockchain Generasi Selanjutnya ‘FLETA’, Menarik Kemitraan Strategis Global

FLETA akan melewati hanya menciptakan sistem baru. Ini menargetkan pengembangan teknis yang cukup besar serta berbagai bidang yang terkait dengan perangkat lunak. Sistem blockchain FLETA dapat dibuat untuk mengaktualisasikan ‘desentralisasi’ yang sebenarnya serta membawa perkembangan aktual dari lingkungan blockchain, melalui peningkatan kemandirian aktual serta skalabilitas yang terkait dengan DApps. Menjadi jenis blockchain yang tak tertandingi, FLETA memungkinkan lebih banyak kemandirian serta efektivitas dalam membangun serta memasok penyedia.

Seiring dengan tujuan untuk memaksimalkan kemungkinan yang sebenarnya terkait dengan teknologi blockchain, FLETA menciptakan penemuan. Semuanya dimulai melalui kerangka kerja blockchain yang unik dan unik, yang mengarahkan subchains di dalam string split untuk setiap DApp. Dengan teknologi Prevent Overhaul, kecepatan konfirmasi menjadi lebih cepat dan jumlah informasi sebenarnya berkurang. Selain itu, mencegah laju era dapat dikurangi, dengan peningkatan transaksi disiapkan untuk setiap pencegahan.

FLETA menawarkan kinerja untuk menghasilkan subchain yang dipersonalisasi untuk setiap DApp, di mana kesepakatan yang terkait dengan simbol dan properti dapat dibuat. Memberitahu Anda sistemnya, setiap DApp dapat direvisi secara individual bergantung pada tata kelola, frontend, maupun backend


Tugas FLETA dirancang untuk memasok sistem sesuatu seperti Android os atau bahkan iOS perusahaan Apple dalam blockchain, membantu peningkatan efektif aktual serta prosedur yang terkait dengan DApps sehubungan dengan membuat lingkungan aplikasi yang bergantung pada blockchain, bersama dengan teknologi konstan. Ini khusus terdiri dari memecahkan masalah di dalam gedung serta bekerja DApps melalui Ethereum atau bahkan EOS serta memasok iklim ekonomi yang terdesentralisasi ideal melalui kemandirian DApp serta skalabilitas.
Ini dimulai hanya dengan meringankan tanggung jawab yang terkait dengan BENSIN atau bahkan RISIKO serta tingkat kecepatan kesepakatan yang meningkat. Akhirnya, tujuan sebenarnya adalah menciptakan lingkungan yang ramah lingkungan menggunakan pelanggan melalui pencapaian, pencampuran, serta menumbuhkan tujuan tugas yang sebenarnya.

Grup FLETA telah mengembangkan teknologi unik dan revolusioner, meningkatkan primer sebenarnya dari teknologi blockchain. Kita semua dengan senang hati mengekspos sistem canggih baru-baru ini, yang memahami penglihatan melalui teknologi.

Struktur Multi-Rantai Independen
Bukti-of-Formulasi PoF
Desain Ulang Blok
Sharding Paralel
Validasi Pohon LEVEL


FLETA membuka itu testnet pemimpin pertama dalam Oktober terkait dengan 2018 dan itu adalah beta testnet dalam 03 terkait dengan 2019.
Diakui mulai dari mainnet sebenarnya direncanakan untuk diproduksi di Q2 yang terkait dengan 2019. Teknologi FLETA mungkin berhasil dengan pelanggan blockchain di seluruh dunia ini. Saat ini, kita sedang berbicara tentang kerjasama teknis bersama dengan sejumlah bisnis yang terkait dengan blockchain seperti ENTERSOFT, Caledo dan Pal serta cenderung menjadi jejaring sosial bersama dengan uang kripto di seluruh dunia utama dan juga bisnis. Saat ini, beragam DApps cenderung menggunakan sistem FLETA sebenarnya terkait dengan peningkatan.

FLETA dapat melakukan upaya untuk menaklukkan semua kesulitan serta titik-titik lemah dari sistem saat ini, terus-menerus meningkatkan metode serta meningkatkan pengembangan jangka panjang melalui konferensi pemikiran aktual yang terkait dengan berbagai versi perusahaan. Sulit untuk mengantisipasi bagaimana teknologi blockchain dapat terjadi, namun tidak diragukan lagi itu adalah gelombang yang sangat baik terkait dengan pengembangan, yang dapat memberikan keberadaan yang jauh lebih baik jika kita semua mengaksesnya. Harapan FLETA untuk melakukan bagian penting karena gelombang itu. Pastikan Anda membantu pengembangan blockchain FLETA.

FLETA adalah proyek yang bertujuan untuk menjadi ‘platform untuk ekosistem DApp yang berkelanjutan.’ Teknologi utama FLETA adalah Struktur Multichain Independen, struktur verifikasi LEVEL Tree, model konsensus baru PoF (Proof-of-Formulation), Block Redesign, dan Sharding Paralel. Ini pada gilirannya, memungkinkan skalabilitas tanpa batas, kemandirian DApps, harga yang wajar dan terjangkau, kecepatan pemrosesan data yang cepat, dan penyimpanan data yang optimal yang dapat dipertahankan.
















Website | http://www.fleta.io/
Medium | https://medium.com/fleta-first-chain
Twitter | https://twitter.com/@fletachain
Telegram | https://t.me/FLETAofficialGroup
Bitcointalk username: D3m1r4wanti

Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1142304
Telegram username: @demirawanti
ETH Address : 0x86C81c93787fde5011c7847970B5e96D2ab2aa1D


Yammy Network – Introducing the Blockchain 3.0 Feature Element

Concerning Yammy Community
Yammy Community : intelligent remedy. Our own aim will be to make a fresh fact in which is equivalent to the particular LEGO blockchain. Yammy Community can bring in the initial Blockchain 3. 0 characteristic aspect.

Just what can it suggest?
Envision the particular elements of the particular program code which can be to the point, easy to read and also comprehend with the program and also scalability for your common consumer which should be able to create a intelligent deal or perhaps decentralized program (dApp) regarding his / her selection.

In the same manner, tiny LEGO bricks help make properties and even equipment together with receptors with out executive. Yammy offers people the ability for all to generate their particular blockchain software and also deals, also with out development information.

Furthermore, Yammy Community is likely to make the complete ecosystem regarding net companies and also software according to this kind of basic principle.

Yammy : the long run will be here.
The newest blockchain centered economic system gets the prospective to generate a great World wide web benefit composed of countless progressive, small-scale, user-created tokens. The key barrier to the different and also strong upcoming will be making certain that there are any water industry per expression irrespective of amount.

The particular Yammy Community venture offers any decentralized liquidity community, good common to get a fresh expression school referred to as Intelligent Tokens, which gives lasting liquidity simply by including autonomous and also low-cost industry capabilities into their particular intelligent deals.

Intelligent Tokens utilize related expression bills and also smart-source and also open-source resource remedies to be able to continuously offer you to get or perhaps promote by themselves with computed and also expected rates, in return for some other tokens which can be related. On the systemic stage, Intelligent Tokens varieties a great autonomous international community regarding interconnected tokens.

This kind of story buildings permits associate tokens being effortlessly changed for many some other associate tokens minus the chance regarding illiquidity, although producing community outcomes in which gain the complete ecosystem regarding tokens.

Yammy Community developments the particular website regarding property swap simply by adding scientific remedies for just two coincidences regarding need and also causing liquidity issues experienced simply by small-scale tokens. This kind of remedy can be a trustworthy and also extensive substitute for the particular labor-based product, which can be at present employed by specialist industry producers in the marketplace and also standard economic deals.

In regards to the Finance
-Yammy Community Third & N Finance will be firmly reinforced simply by research and also engineering. We should bring in our own suggestions to the entire world so your variety of key tokens will probably be used on Venture Study and also Advancement.

Community Servicing Finance : Yammy Community will be happy presenting the expense of the brand new no purchase Yammy Coin (YMA) good blockchain alone. To help keep mainnet working, the particular Community Servicing Finance has been proven.

Arrange Finance : 10% with the emission regarding YMM Tokens will be earmarked. The usage of these kinds of money will be totally disallowed and also almost all tokens will probably be used up through the Venture Period a couple of.


Website: https://yammy.network/
Bitcointalk thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5093798.0
Bounty thread:
Whitepaper: https://yammy.network/Yammy%20Network%20White%20Paper%201.0.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NetworkYammy
Discord: https://discord.gg/BnkthU
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Yammy_team
– Yammy Network Official Group: https://t.me/Yammynetwork_chat
– Yammy Network Official Channel: https://t.me/yammynetwork
– Yammy Network Official Bounty: https://t.me/Yammynetwork_Bounty


Bitcointalk username: 
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1142304
Telegram username: @demirawanti

ETH Address : 0x86C81c93787fde5011c7847970B5e96D2ab2aa1D


Benefits to be able to Bcnex


Benefits to be able to Bcnex investing flooring:
Electronic digital funds purchases understand a vital area of the huge way regarding e-finance. That is in which men and women can easily swap encrypted stock markets regarding modernizing funds or perhaps fiat stock markets just like US ALL money or perhaps euros. These kinds of bargains handle customers and also vendors and also charge a fee coming from each and every swap. You can find fundamentally a couple of forms of purchases; Merging purchases and also purchases. Combination purchases are usually positioned, as an example, online divisions are usually organizations in which get involved on their period.

They often times keep on being a simple section of make contact with regarding fresh folks, which have a tendency to swap profit their particular see with the easy-to-use and also brilliant software inside their functions. The job of your built-in purchase will be apparent and also arranged plus a group appraisal is likely to make the device labeled. Not necessarily on the tiniest stage just like accessibility purchases, decentralized components.

Deals are usually related no matter whether they will work together with hazardous retailers, for instance outages and also dangerous outages along with far better consumer defense. The particular official purchases once more usually do not demand virtually any portrayal with the persona, in the same way, safety concerns for instance modernize with the pecking order show up. Purchases usually do not keep funds regarding consumers and also as an alternative, consumers are usually particularly related, suggesting you don’t must highlight the particular safety regarding pre-encrypted purchases. For almost any consumer package deal, investigate the usage of hierarchical purchases persistently, which usually aids lessen liquidity, exhibiting distinctions inside purchases linked to these kinds of traces.

As a result, Bcnex investing flooring came to be, Bcnex can be an electronic digital funds investing program produced to bring the most effective investing program, basic safety and a lot polite consumer help.

The particular start regarding Bcnex:
A spot to get, swap and also business tokens according to blockchain and also many different electronic digital resources inside Vietnam and also other planet. Given that 2006 once we initial joined up with forex, we’ve explored and also produced several computerized Currency trading methods. In ’09, we all implemented any real-time info program method to deal with coin market and also method complementing purchases, and lastly to work the particular investing program regarding lovers. Our own overseas nations around the world.

BCNex can always increase and also increase to offer people with all the finest investing knowledge achievable. Oahu is the central basic principle individuals enterprise school of thought.

The particular excellent top features of Bcnex investing flooring:
Risk-free and also secure:
It is a very attached investing program together with microservice buildings in which satisfies one of the most strenuous wants regarding consumers.

Bcnex has built any safety method around numerous ranges coming from developing a robust hearth rely on or perhaps making use of denial-of-service strike equipment any time one thing unconventional takes place.

a couple of. Running velocity

Bcnex posseses an fast running velocity all the way to 2000, 000 requests every next.

3. BCOMS buy complementing method:

This is a part of investing requests any time investing. Here is the most critical part of Bcnex which is created with great care. BCOMS provides suprisingly low latency and contains rates all the way to a couple of thousand purchases every next, here is the speediest velocity nowadays.

some. Secure large dispersal method

Bcnex constantly retains large stableness all the way to 99. 99%. Bcnex makes use of microservice product, the device will be separated directly into tiny companies together with independent databases, in order that Bcnex can simply modify and also broaden any time necessary with out influencing the complete method

It is a extremely prospective investing flooring, Bcnex aspires to be able to beat every one of the huge buyers on earth which realize that. They will steadily increase by themselves a growing number of detail by detail to produce more complex superior never to drop some other deals on earth. Affirming in which, Vietnam can be a support to aid Bcnex attain more.

For more information about BCNEX

Website => https://www.bcnex.net


Bitcointalk ID : D3m1r4wanti

ETH Address : 0x86C81c93787fde5011c7847970B5e96D2ab2aa1D

Proyek DigitalBits



DigitalBits ™ adalah proyek sumber terbuka yang mendukung adopsi teknologi blockchain oleh perusahaan. Teknologi ini memungkinkan perusahaan untuk melakukan tokenisasi aset pada blockchain DigitalBits yang didesentralisasi; mentransfer & memperdagangkan aset-aset tokenized tersebut di dalam rantai; dan memungkinkan pembayaran & pengiriman uang cepat.

DigitalBits Foundation mendukung proyek open-source DigitalBits dengan menyediakan sumber daya pembangunan, infrastruktur, acara dan pendidikan. Visi Yayasan adalah untuk melihat blockchain DigitalBits membantu menyelesaikan masalah portabilitas, keamanan dan likuiditas dengan aset digital tertentu, seperti program Loyalitas dan Hadiah, dan membantu menghasilkan nilai tambah bagi konsumen, bisnis, dan organisasi amal tertentu.

Jaringan blockchain DigitalBits adalah untuk siapa saja untuk digunakan. Siapa pun dapat membuat aset digital (juga dikenal sebagai token digital) yang 100 persen portabel / dapat ditransfer pada jaringan yang didesentralisasi ini. Ketika perusahaan menandai titik loyalitas mereka di jaringan ini, konsumen akan menerima poin dalam bentuk token digital.

Pengguna dapat memperdagangkan berbagai token digital ini (mis. Token A untuk token B) langsung di-rantai bersama dengan aset digital asli blockchain yang disebut “digitalbits” atau XDB. DigitalBits Network yang terdesentralisasi tidak membutuhkan perantara yang terpusat untuk mengenakan biaya berlebihan. Transfer hanya membutuhkan beberapa detik dan hanya membutuhkan biaya nominal.

Dengan menggunakan jaringan DigitalBits, Anda dapat membangun dompet ponsel, alat perbankan, perangkat pintar yang membayar sendiri, dan apa pun yang dapat Anda impikan dengan melibatkan pembayaran! Meskipun DigitalBits adalah sistem terdistribusi yang kompleks, bekerja dengannya tidak perlu rumit.

API: Perbatasan
Sebagian besar aplikasi berinteraksi dengan jaringan DigitalBits melalui Frontier, server API HTTP yang tenang. Frontier memberi Anda cara mudah untuk mengirimkan transaksi, memeriksa akun, dan berlangganan acara. Karena ini hanya HTTP, Anda dapat berkomunikasi dengan Frontier menggunakan peramban web, alat baris perintah sederhana seperti cURL, atau DigitalBits SDK untuk bahasa pemrograman favorit Anda.

Cara termudah untuk menginstal Frontier adalah dengan menggunakan gambar DigitalBitsOrg / quickstart docker.

Digitalbits.io mengelola JavaScript, Java, dan SDK berbasis Go untuk berkomunikasi dengan Frontier. Ada juga SDK yang dikelola komunitas untuk Ruby, Python, dan C #.

Network Backbone: DigitalBits Core
Di belakang layar, setiap server Frontier terhubung ke DigitalBits Core, tulang punggung jaringan DigitalBits. Perangkat lunak Core DigitalBits melakukan kerja keras untuk memvalidasi dan menyetujui dengan contoh lain Core tentang status setiap transaksi melalui DigitalBits Consensus Protocol (SCP). Jaringan DigitalBits sendiri merupakan kumpulan DigitalBits Cores yang terhubung yang dijalankan oleh berbagai individu dan entitas di seluruh dunia. Beberapa contoh memiliki server Frontier yang dapat Anda ajak berkomunikasi, sementara yang lain hanya ada untuk menambah keandalan jaringan secara keseluruhan.

Cara termudah untuk menginstal DigitalBits Core adalah dengan menggunakan gambar DigitalBitsOrg / quickstart docker.

Anda mungkin ingin meng-host instance DigitalBits Core Anda sendiri untuk melakukan transaksi tanpa bergantung pada pihak ketiga, memiliki kontrol lebih besar atas siapa yang dipercaya, atau sekadar membantu membuat jaringan DigitalBits lebih andal dan tangguh untuk orang lain.

Gambaran Besar: Jaringan DigitalBits
Jaringan DigitalBits adalah koleksi DigitalBits Cores di seluruh dunia, masing-masing dikelola oleh orang dan organisasi yang berbeda. Sifat terdistribusi dari jaringan membuatnya dapat diandalkan dan aman.

Semua Core DigitalBits ini — jaringan simpul — akhirnya menyetujui set transaksi. Setiap transaksi di jaringan biayanya kecil: 100 nibbs (0,00001 XDB). Biaya ini membantu mencegah pelaku jahat melakukan spamming jaringan.

Untuk membantu Anda menguji alat dan aplikasi Anda, Digitalbits.io mengoperasikan jaringan uji kecil dan instance Frontier. Mulailah dengan testnet.



BTT ID : D3m1r4wanti
Wallet : 0x86C81c93787fde5011c7847970B5e96D2ab2aa1D

LUCRE – Sistem Perdagangan Otomatis Eksklusif untuk Cryptocurrency


LUCRE adalah sistem perdagangan otomatis eksklusif untuk cryptocurrency, dibuat untuk melebihi strategi menggunakan cryptocurrency. Ini dikembangkan oleh tim dengan pengalaman 8 tahun dalam perdagangan algoritmik. Menjaga mata uang kripto bukanlah cara terbaik untuk meningkatkan kekayaan Anda belakangan ini. Algoritma LUCRE didasarkan pada filosofi non-HODL; Kesepakatan! Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk berdagang panjang dan pendek di kedua arah. Daya tarik besar dari proyek ini adalah kemampuan untuk menghasilkan pendapatan di semua kondisi pasar, dengan setiap peluang dianggap membeli dan menjual. Sekalipun pasar bergerak ke selatan, algoritmanya mencoba menghasilkan untung dengan menyingkatnya.

Lucre Trading Algo akan bekerja pada platform perdagangan Metatrader. Penjual token menerima token LCR yang memantau kinerja Algo. Harga diperbarui secara berkala untuk secara akurat mencerminkan nilai aset utama Crypto yang diperdagangkan oleh Algo. Peserta dapat berdagang di bursa yang mencantumkan token LCR.

Cara menjual token digunakan untuk dua tujuan utama:

Selesaikan pengembangan LUCRE Trading Algo (pengujian penuh, tambahkan cryptogram yang berbeda, optimalkan kinerja, dan terapkan perdagangan otomatis dengan berbagai API broker crypto, jika tersedia dan stabil).

Gunakan 40% dari kredit penjualan token untuk memperdagangkan cryptocurrency broker dan berbagi keuntungan dengan penjual token. Bahu kecil digunakan maksimal 3 kali. Perdagangan ditemukan di kedua arah untuk waktu yang lama dan dalam waktu yang singkat, tergantung pada arah pasar, oleh LUCRE Algo. Setiap pesanan memiliki kerugian soft dan hard stop yang telah ditentukan dan manfaat dari keuntungan.

Uang muka memberi Anda token LCR yang menawarkan keanggotaan premium dan akses terbatas ke layanan. Jika Anda memiliki token ini, Anda dapat memperoleh uang dengan menggabungkan berbagai opsi yang tercantum di bawah ini. Token juga bisa dijual ke peserta lain. Dengan LUCRE, pedagang token tidak perlu menyumbangkan dana tambahan karena mereka dapat mengambil manfaat dari partisipasi awal dengan keunggulan algoritme. Pada saat yang sama, para peserta dapat menggunakan dana mereka untuk melakukan transaksi perdagangan tambahan pada sinyal perdagangan LUCRE. Sehingga Anda dapat meningkatkan profitabilitas Anda. Anda dapat memilih atau menggabungkan salah satu opsi berikut untuk mengoptimalkan penghasilan Anda.

Selama acara, bergabunglah dengan penjualan token untuk mendapatkan persentase dari manfaat yang sebanding dengan kontribusi asli dari algoritma di kumpulan perdagangan.

Gunakan sinyal untuk berdagang: Terima sinyal SELL BELI untuk cryptocurrency yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk berdagang secara manual dengan broker Anda.

Gunakan layanan autotrading LATRE. Pengguna dapat menggunakan sebagian dana Fiat mereka dengan algoritma Autotrade, dengan semua manfaat ditransfer langsung ke pelanggan.

Satu-satunya kesempatan untuk membeli token setelah penjualan LUCRE adalah pertukaran dengan peserta penjualan token. Jika Algo berhasil, itu akan meningkatkan minat beli dan dengan demikian menyebabkan harga yang lebih tinggi untuk token LCR.


Berdasarkan 8 tahun pengalaman dalam perdagangan mata uang algoritmik, kami telah melihat bahwa minat dapat meningkat jika algoritma bekerja dengan baik dan lebih banyak peserta yang terlibat dalam proyek.

LUCRE adalah platform eksklusif karena peserta dibatasi dengan akses ke sinyal algoritme dan autorouting, dan eksklusivitas ini dikendalikan oleh jumlah token. Jika Anda ingin menerima sinyal atau menggunakan autotrading dan Anda belum berpartisipasi dalam penjualan token, Anda harus membeli token dari peserta asli.

Algoritma perdagangan akan mengambil posisi long dan short dan bertaruh pada pasar bear dan bear untuk mendiversifikasi dan mengoptimalkan kinerja portofolio. Sebagai peserta dalam penjualan token, Anda dapat memilih untuk menghasilkan uang dengan menjual token, karena manfaat layanan eksklusif dan hasil perdagangan algoritma harus meningkatkan atau mempertahankan harga dan mendapatkan laba konstan yang meningkatkan efektivitas kata perdagangan. dianiaya.


Uang muka akan segera dikonversi ke dalam dolar AS setelah penyelesaian penjualan token dan ditransfer ke akun perdagangan Derivatif di mana penawaran akan dieksekusi. Memegang derivatif tidak aman. LUCRE Trading 100% terotomatisasi. Daftar lengkap pialang yang digunakan akan tersedia di situs web kami saat perdagangan dimulai. Selama peninjauan, pertukaran tambahan akan ditambahkan.


Tim LUCRE akan menginvestasikan banyak waktu dan upaya dalam pemasaran pemasaran Tok token, dengan fokus pada peserta sektor keuangan tradisional dengan membuat lembar fakta, video penjelasan dan dokumen perencanaan yang mudah dipahami. LUCRE akan fokus pada pemasaran secara eksklusif di pasar yang tidak diatur. Tidak akan ada dorongan atau undangan jika keikutsertaannya dilarang dalam waktu dekat atau kemungkinan akan dilarang untuk mematuhi hukum setempat.

Informasi :

Situs : https://www.lucretoken.com

White Paper : https://www.lucretoken.com/docs/Lucre_WhitePaper_EN.pdf

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lucreToken

Twitter : https://twitter.com/LucreToken

Telegram : https://t.me/LucreToken

ANN : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4959492.0

Author By :

BTT ID : D3m1r4wanti

Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1142304;sa=summary

Wallet : 0x86C81c93787fde5011c7847970B5e96D2ab2aa1D



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Author By :

BTT ID : D3m1r4wanti

Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1142304;sa=summary

Wallet : 0x86C81c93787fde5011c7847970B5e96D2ab2aa1D

Key Feature – GoWithMi


GoWithMi is actually creating the actual planet’s very first total decentralized location-based support (DLBS) national infrastructure. This is designed to supply an entire as well as trustworthy trade associated with geospatial ideals with regard to large-scale industry which range from information, processing, personal terminals in order to industrial ecology, and also to help to make multidimensional, less dangerous as well as wiser worth moves, enhance the final crucial element of the actual blockchain in order to enable the actual economic climate software.

The actual GoWithMi geospatial environmental general opinion system includes the actual manufacturing associated with geospatial general opinion information, spatial processing energy systems, geospatial resource nodes which control on their own, as well as assistance systems with regard to discussing company programs. The actual DLBS system, extremely oracle, as well as incorporated chart general opinion, provide general opinion algorithms in order to encourage involvement as well as accomplish advantages for everybody, cross-chain assistance for those blockchain systems, one-stop assistance for those programs which consider location-based providers, allowing traditional companies in order to leap right into a brand new period associated with pré-réglable company, as well as getting into the entire blood circulation ecology associated with its company within stores as well as away from Turing string.

Crucial Function

GoWithMi may totally decentralize the actual primary element of the web ecosystem——geolocation support, which makes it the actual primary element of the whole blockchain system, and may end up being readily invoked through numerous upper-layer programs from the Web as well as blockchain systems.

GoWithMi’s decentralized location-based support (DLBS) functions include an entire group of techniques associated with chart area, research as well as issue, path routing, peripheral as well as visitors info research, spatial wise exploration, and so on. Just about all information as well as providers tend to be operate on GoWithMi’s electricity costs the actual planet’s very first “spatial processing blockchain system Gaia”. Gaia may recognize keeping complete information about the string, views the actual decentralization from the POW and also the higher effectiveness from the EOS, entry equivalent privileges exploration of items as well as having the ability to avoid “mining swimming pool control”. As a result, permitting the actual decentralized procedure from the location-based support program won’t ever finish, monopolists no more manage the company lifeline from the companies, which the private flight privateness isn’t any lengthier busy as well as utilized without having payment.
Extremely Spatial Oracle
Whenever just about all blockchains tend to be put on actuality, they’ll experience a good greatest issue: how you can link the actual “untrusted” globe away from blockchain towards the “trusted” globe inside the blockchain? This involves the “trusted entrance system. inch GoWithMi offers this type of trustworthy entrance system.

GoWithMi extremely spatial oracle supplied the “trusted entrance mechanism” associated with unique blockchain as well as necessary for just about all wise agreements associated with location-based providers, connecting both various sides off and on the actual string along with “trusted” system. It may give a bring about reaction associated with trustworthy location-based information with regard to wise agreements, permitting pré-réglable system device associated with Turing-complete, that is symbolized through Ethereum in order to effortlessly incorporate along with traditional company, positively market the actual quick improvement associated with location-related dispersed sectors for example reveal journey, travel and leisure, meals shipping, convey shipping, positional accuracy marketing, as well as behavior credit score financial, permitting the actual traditional company in order to jump in to a period associated with pré-réglable company.
General opinion Chart
On the planet, there’s 60% from the areas as well as four million populations nevertheless not able to benefit from the exact same high quality chart providers since the created areas. This is because how the size associated with chart information offers typically depended seriously upon worldwide work selection, the industry higher price which actually Search engines cannot pay for.

The actual GoWithMi General opinion Chart has had a brand new strategy making the very first number of “spatial general opinion mechanism” which permit individuals in a part from the globe may collectively preserve the “world chart information book” with no tolerance. All of us with the beautiful style from the general opinion online game systems for example POM (Proof associated with Mapping) as well as Spatial Bancor, subversively resolve the actual primary difficulties associated with chart business such as cooperative manufacturing, car guidance as well as worth assessment, busting the actual limitations associated with human being work businesses, permitting individuals to collectively construct, preserve, as well as reveal the “world map” with no thresholds, as well as supplying contributing factors having a reasonable come back as well as allow individuals worldwide may benefit from the equivalent high quality electronic journey providers.




Investment Agency


Business Partner


Bitcointalk : D3m1r4wanti
Wallet Address : 0x86C81c93787fde5011c7847970B5e96D2ab2aa1D

VANTA – Decentralized Network for [ Private ] Connectivity


VANTA is really a decentralized as well as permissionless system which guarantees real-time, safe as well as personal online connectivity. Via VANTA, each people as well as companies can create real-time information tranny providers as well as commercialize individuals providers from reduced expenses. VANTA may ultimately permit unlimited online connectivity amongst just about all products no matter area.

VANTA’s goal would be to permit people to produce decentralized systems which carry out real-time information transmissions in addition to procedure as well as shop which information through choosing smart friends, taking part, as well as analyzing one another while using VANTA system process and also the general opinion formula.


Setting up the actual VANTA primary customer by yourself pc or even cellular gadget or even setting up programs created about the VANTA API will help you to take part. Individuals within the system contend with one another to be able to have the information tranny or storage space or digesting job asked for through the system instantly, as well as carry out crucial duties for example expert discovering & link (to connect inside a P2P manner), information relaying, caching, digesting as well as confirmation.

Just about all nodes within the system tend to be examined towards one another with regard to processing energy (cpu), storage, system bandwidth, link sturdiness, as well as system factor. Link sturdiness describes just how long the node is continually attached to the actual system, and also the system factor is actually the quantity of efforts in order to the number of work within the system happen to be prepared with a node to date.

Information sent on the P2P system might be susceptible. To be able to develop a better quality as well as dependable system from the protection viewpoint, the handshake information with regard to P2P link is actually encrypted using the open public or personal crucial from the receiver, so that as the Transportation Coating Process with regard to P2P information tranny, the actual protection improved Datagram Transportation Coating Protection (DTLS) Can be used. Additionally, like a process with regard to information or press tranny, the Flow Manage Tranny Process (SCTP) along with a Safe Real-time Transportation Process (SRTP) process for any press flow are utilized because default. Additionally, this utilizes the actual Privateness Improved RTP Conferencing (PERC) technique, the industry dual SRTP encryption that allows E2E press information encryption within supplying movie conferencing features.

The industry may current in between nodes which publish work as well as nodes which verify all of them. The node that requires employment carried out may publish employment ask for which perhaps acquired with a work tracker. The task is actually after that handed on to the main employee node, that is supported through supplementary employee nodes. The actual result is actually after that verify with a verifier node. The node which submits employment will even publish a cost for your work. Additional nodes that total as well as verify work tend to be incentivised to pick work that the node is actually prepared to spend probably the most with regard to. The goal is actually to produce a aggressive industry overtime.

The actual symbol is going to be utilized in the Evidence of Risk (PoS) design general opinion design to be able to make sure that legitimate duties tend to be carried out about the system. Evidence of Risk is definitely an effective method to accomplish general opinion as well as safe the actual system. The node may confirm duties if you take a particular quantity of VANTA bridal party (VNT) (the minimal staking needs should be determined), as well as contact additional staking nodes that along with possibly say yes to or even refuse duties. Designers who desire work to become prepared may also need to risk adequate VNT to pay for employee as well as confirming nodes. This really is vital that you avoid sybil episodes, by making use of a price in order to processing about the system, or else the harmful person might ton the actual system along with ineffective work. You will see bonuses as well as fees and penalties in order to incentive negative and positive individuals, the facts that would end up being launched within long term bulletins.

They are VANTA’s primary ideas. Nevertheless, every thing is actually susceptible to alter once we constantly iterate moving forward.

The primary investigation is going to be completed through Hanyang College MNI (Mobile & System Intelligence) Laboratory. MNI Laboratory happens to be building as well as validating the actual PoC types of the actual general opinion algorithms as well as information redirecting algorithms.

All of us imagine VANTA to become employed for an array of programs for example human-to-human information or document move, tone of voice or movie phone improvement, real-time picture information loading in order to a lot of individuals, as well as sending or digesting numerous real-time information gathered through IoT devices. With each other, these types of marketplaces tend to be appreciated within the vast amounts of bucks.

VANTA has created proper close ties along with well-known, worldwide companies which will make use of the technologies to produce brand new providers soon. Precisely these types of close ties is going to be launched within our forthcoming articles.


★ Web : https://vanta.network/

★ Twitter : https://twitter.com/vantanetwork

★ Telegram : https://t.me/vantanetwork

★ Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/vantanetwork/

★ Facebook :  https://www.facebook.com/vantanetwork/

★ ANN : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5095100



Bitcointalk : D3m1r4wanti

Wallet Address : 0x86C81c93787fde5011c7847970B5e96D2ab2aa1D

ATHERO a new era of Cryptofinance for the Internet 3.0


What’s THO coin?

A good environment that brings together Financial, Blockchain and also the Web Associated with Points. Complicated system construct along with the actual Ehereum blockchain.

THO is really a worldwide, open up supply as well as decentralized supercomputer that anybody may entry. Guaranteed, Trustworthy as well as Quick growing.

Athero THO symbol is going to be detailed from a number of best collection cryptocurrency trades. We offers arrived at initial contracts along with reps of those marketplaces.

All of us Gather Areas & Financial
The best objective associated with THO will be the actual all-in-one answer and gives several providers through marketplace in order to financial.

The customers – each business as well as personal types – may entry all of the providers they require from the solitary system. Blockchain technologies provides all of us the opportunity to help to make your money develop quicker along with much better results.

Generating need via
Wise metropolitan areas idea. (IOT)

Wi-fi compatability prepared photo voltaic wise table system. Situated around the globe within wise metropolitan areas.
Wise auto parking technologies (Independent sensor systems in various areas that may identify, by way of permanent magnetic areas, regardless of whether the car parking place can be obtained or even busy )
Devices for any wise as well as wholesome atmosphere.

ATHERO unites markets and fans, also stimulating demand through adoption. They are looking for application in real life. Athero will fill the empty space in the current economy model.

The currencies that will become big drops or mega-caps will be the ones that actually have a differentiated option of using the business and offering the customer value.

The main feature of ATHERO:

State-of-the-art cryptographic datastructures and unparalleled decentralization provide efficiency and eliminate single-point-of-failure. Athero is bootstrapping partnerships in different sectors to bring blockchain technology into real world use. Athero is continuously researching the newest technological standards and continuously expanding our cooperations with international research institutions to keep the technology safe and up to date. Athero puts an emphasis on web technology and has a mobile-first approach to bring blockchain technology to the next level of adoption.

Main features:

– Smart contract applications (DAaps)

– Decentralized p2p network

-Wi-Fi ready smart bench solar network (IOT)

– Smart car Parking technology(IOT)

– Acquisition and dissemination of IOT data

-A decentralized domain system is ready for data exchange

– Intelligent air pollution sensors (IOT)

– Decentralized exchange

– The rapid expansion of the community

Token SALE

Start: September 20, 2018, Saturday, 11:00 AM (GMT)

End: January 20, 2019, Friday, 11:00 AM (GMT)

Soft cap: $18,000,000

Tokens exchange rate: 1 THO = 0.04 USD

Token: THO

Token structure & Soft-cap Budget Allocation




For More Information


Bitcointalk : D3m1r4wanti

Link Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1142304

Wallet Address : 0x86C81c93787fde5011c7847970B5e96D2ab2aa1D